The biggest get-together in Kainuu for Online gamers

The 21th GetOnline LAN Party, held in October, 2024, brings together more than 500 online gamers and game enthusiast. Most of the visitors are from the age group of 13-21 year old but the event attracts also adults. GetOnline is the biggest gaming event in Kainuu region and one of the biggest in Northern Finland. GetOnline is all about having fun and hanging out! We also organize competitions in the form of hobbyist tournaments.

Garde-Party is a non-profit association of online gaming and amateur radio located in Kajaani, Kainuu. In the year 2024 there is approximately 80 members in the association. The purpose of Garde-Party is to provide technology based  activities for the youth and young adults. Trough the year Garde-Party organizes LAN -parties, gaming nights and also a weekly Amateur radio club for members.